Gov. Sarah Sanders Fires Off New Executive Order – It’s a Genius Slap in the Face to Biden
Gov. Sarah Sanders Fires Off New Executive Order – It’s a Genius Slap in the Face to Biden

Liberals have been forcing their radical ideology on American citizens for years. They seem to believe that no one will challenge what they say or do… but they are being proved wrong.

Joe Biden has jumped on the far-left bandwagon that has swept the nation. People are being pushed to accept the radical notion that a person’s feelings dictate their reality. This is offensive to anyone with common sense.

Red state Gov. Sarah Sanders just slapped some reality into Biden with her new executive order. The Arkansas Republican took a stand against Biden’s gender rule that oppresses real women.

From Fox News:
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Sanders signed an executive order on Thursday in response to President Biden’s new Title IX regulations that added protections for transgender athletes.

As a woman, the mother of a daughter and our state’s first chief executive to give birth … I can’t think of anything more offensive or dismissive of the very real, very scientific traits that all women share and that no man does,” Sanders said. “This issue goes far beyond a single locker room or a missed scholarship. The truth is important. Biology is important. The differences between men and women are important.”

She pledged to not allow Biden to “erase our existence as women.” She characterized Biden’s actions as appalling and an “attack on common sense.”

“According to the rule, sex is no longer based on the commonly understood biological differences between men and women,” Sanders said. “It’s based on how a person feels or their gender identity. To put it another way, Biden thinks anybody can be a woman just because they say so.”

Biden’s new rules state sex discrimination includes discrimination based on gender identity as well as sexual orientation. Schools are not allowed to separate or treat people differently based on sex, except in limited circumstances, under the provisions. Critics say the change will allow locker rooms and bathrooms to be based on gender identity.

Sanders’ executive order states that Arkansas will not abide by the new rules, and instead will fight for female students to not be denied athletic opportunities or “forced to risk their safety” by having biological males in female-designated sports leagues.

Sanders isn’t standing alone in the fight against Biden’s anti-woman edicts. Six states sued the Department of Education over the overhaul of Title IX this week. The fight against Biden’s radical ideology is being led by Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti and Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman.

“The U.S. Department of Education has no authority to let boys into girls’ locker rooms,” Skrmetti said in a statement.

Key Takeaways:

  • The governor of Arkansas slammed Biden over his anti-woman Title IX rule change.
  • GOP Gov. Sarah Sanders said Biden is trying to “erase our existence as women.”
  • The rule change promotes special protection for males competing in female sports.

Source: Fox News

May 5, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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