Top Trump Adviser Unloads 1 Prediction – If He’s Right, Donald’s 2024 Chances Just Skyrocketed
Top Trump Adviser Unloads 1 Prediction – If He’s Right, Donald’s 2024 Chances Just Skyrocketed

An advisor to Former President Donald Trump made a stark prediction about what lies ahead in 2024. Trump is a self-described street fighter, resilient and ready to take on any foe. But he is vulnerable right now.

The 45th president is facing multiple criminal indictments with trials looming. A conviction on any of the charges could dash his hopes of winning the 2024 presidential election. Trump believes he can win no matter what happens in court, and one of his advisor’s believes the GOP front runner has an edge.

Time is not on the side of Democrats who desperately want a criminal conviction against Trump. If they can’t get him convicted before the general election, their plans fail. A top Trump advisor made a prediction that, if true, sends Trumps odds of success higher.

From Breitbart:
Chris LaCivita, co-campaign manager of the Trump campaign, predicted that no trials in any of the four criminal proceedings against former President Donald Trump will take place during the general election while appearing on the Line Drive Podcast with hosts Tim Murtaugh and Hogan Gidley.

“I mean, the President’s got a squared away legal team; they’re aggressive. And I think ultimately, at the end of the day, these things will be largely just pushed aside,” LaCivita said.

The show featured LaCivita, Murtaugh, the communications director for the Trump 2020 campaign, and Gidley, a former White House deputy press secretary in the Trump Administration. The conversation between the three Trump supporters focused on impending trials against Trump.

Trump is in a serious legal fight on multiple fronts. He faces two federal indictments by special prosecutor Jack Smith and two state-level indictments, one in Georgia and one in New York. The indictments were followed by legal efforts in various states to remove Trump from the ballot using the 14th Amendment.

Those indictments have created support for Trump in the primary race. All but one challenger has dropped out of the running for the Republican Party nomination because of Trump’s political strength. The legal attacks have also translated to Trump polling a half dozen points ahead of Biden in the general election at this point, according to LaCivita.

Many Republicans have called the legal attacks on Trump a “partisan witch hunt” by Democrat prosecutors.

“I think the damage to them, quite frankly, has already been done,” LaCivita said. “They have all these bogus political prosecutions.”

LaCivita believes that the left’s attempts to take him out of the race through criminal charges by “weaponizing the DOJ” have to this point failed. The backup plan of getting him off the ballot on 14th Amendment grounds is “failing spectacularly.”

These moves show the fear in Democrats that their candidate is facing defeat against Trump.

“Talk about just putting your deck of cards, literally your hand, out there for everyone to see,” LaCivita said. “It’s so transparent. They don’t want to face him.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Top advisor predicted there will be no Trump trials during the general election.
  • Campaign leader Chris LaCivita said ongoing criminal prosecutions are “bogus.”
  • Democrats are so afraid of Trump they don’t want to face him at the ballot box.

Source: Breitbart

January 27, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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