Trump Just Blindsides Top GOP Leader – Says Her Career Could Be Quickly Over
Trump Just Blindsides Top GOP Leader – Says Her Career Could Be Quickly Over

Political campaigns take money to run. Lots of money. Republicans in this election cycle are getting pounded by Democrats when it comes to raising money.

The responsibility for raising campaign funds on the national level falls to the respective political parties. The Democratic National Committee last year and to this point in 2024 raised more than the Republican National Committee by significant margins.

Questions surround who should be held responsible for lagging GOP campaign coffers. Former President Donald Trump blindsided GOP leadership when he called out RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and her slacking efforts.

From the Washington Examiner:
“I think she did great when she ran Michigan for me,” Trump said. “I think she did OK, initially, in the RNC. I would say right now, there’ll probably be some changes made.”

Removing McDaniel at this point would be a huge change for the RNC heading into the heart of the primary election season. There are arguments for removing McDaniel after a report of lagging fundraising.

In recent days the RNC released its final Federal Election Commission filing for 2023. The report was a harsh indictment of McDaniel’s leadership which saw the worst fundraising haul for the RNC since 2013 and, adjusted for inflation, its poorest since 1993.

A 20-year low doesn’t bode well for Republican candidates as Democrats continue to haul in consistently large numbers thanks to liberal mega donors. The DNC raised $12.3 million in November, upping the party’s total cash on hand to start 2024 to $20 million, according to recent FEC filings. The $20 million campaign coffer is the largest tally the DNC has reported starting a presidential election year, a DNC aide said.

By comparison the RNC raised $7.97 million in November, according to FEC filings. Republicans started 2024 with $9.9 million cash on hand, a considerable cash disadvantage. The RNC did see a spike in fundraising to $12 million in January, a larger amount than any month in 2023.

The early 2024 boost may not be enough to save McDaniel’s job. Reports are circulating that Trump’s dissatisfaction with McDaniel, possibly from underwhelming GOP performances in the 2020, 2022, and 2023 elections is a factor. Trump has publicly praised the RNC chairwoman, but his positive tune after her January 2023 reelection that he considered a “big WIN” may be waning.

The GOP presidential front-runner said in an interview that he has “nothing to do” with the RNC. The lackluster election performances over the last few years combined with jittery fundraising totals may be contributing to Trump’s shift in public attitude toward McDaniel.

Trump will need broad support among Republicans to win the general election against a well-funded Democrat opponent. Trump’s historic primary win in Iowa followed by a double-digit defeat of Nikkie Haley in New Hampshire doesn’t guarantee his election as the GOP nominee. He still must defeat Haley over the next few months.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump lets loose that Ronna McDaniel may be canned as the RNC chairwoman.
  • Republicans are trailing Democrats when it comes to raising money in 2024.
  • McDaniel has been an ally to Trump, but his public tone toward her has shifted.

Source: Washington Examiner

February 6, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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