Trump Gives His Answer to Mexican President – Donald’s 6 Words Are Absolute Fire
Trump Gives His Answer to Mexican President – Donald’s 6 Words Are Absolute Fire

Joe Biden is so weak that foreign leaders are telling him what to do and demanding money. From Ukraine to Mexico, Biden has created such a mess of foreign affairs that not even third-world countries respect him.

Biden has lost credibility around the globe because of his political pandering and propping up failing countries that prey on U.S. taxpayer money. Foreign leaders have depended on the U.S. to bail them out of their financial problems for decades and now, because of Biden, they believe they can order him to fork over more cash.

The president of Mexico decided he wanted billions of dollars and said he would not help with the border crisis until Biden delivered on his demands. That political saber rattling didn’t go over well with former President Donald Trump who has handled Mexico’s disrespect before.

From Fox News:
“They would never say that to me. They would never say before we even talk. They want $10 billion a year, Mexico just asked for $10 billion a year. They would never ask it. I wouldn’t give them 10 cents,” Trump said.

Trump hit back at the Mexican president’s demands during an exchange on “One Nation” with host Brian Kilmeade. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador told CBS that he wouldn’t shut down his border until the U.S. changed its policies on Cuba and Venezuela.

Kilmeade questioned Trump on whether it was okay for the Mexican president to attempt dictating American policy. Trump said any demands from Mexico for money or policy changes “wouldn’t happen with me, with the wall.”

Biden has openly invited millions of illegal immigrants into the country with most coming in through the border with Mexico. When Trump was in office, the number of illegal immigrants declined severely, and the Mexican president didn’t get away with demands.

Biden is polling among voters at historically low levels with much of his broad disapproval linked to the border crisis. Before Biden the wall was ready to be built by Trump as the then-president fought against the flow of criminals and drugs across the border.

Trump said what has changed is “very simple: lack of respect for the (U.S.) president.” Trump made it clear that Obrador’s demands wouldn’t fly with him in office.

Obrador has said the “flow of migrants will continue” unless the U.S. does what he says. The Mexican president wants sanctions lifted on Cuba and Venezuela; sending Latin American and Caribbean countries $20 billion in aid a year; and granting legal status to Mexican illegal immigrants in the U.S.

Trump stated what Americans need to do to stop any foreign country from trying to extort U.S. taxpayer money to solve their third-world problems.

“The most important day in the history of our country is going to be November 5th,” Trump said. “Our country is going bad, and it’s going to be changed on November 5th, and if it’s not changed, we’re not going to have a country anymore.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump said he wouldn’t give “10 cents” to Mexico over its demands for money.
  • The Mexican president said the U.S. must pay $20 billion to stop the flow of illegals.
  • Lack of respect fueled these demands and Trump plans to put Mexico in its place.

Source: Fox News

April 2, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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