Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have been neck and neck for weeks as the election comes to an end. This has come as a surprise to Harris and her supporters, as they assumed that she would be trouncing Trump in the race by Election Day.
The tightness of this race has caused Harris to go into full panic mode. Indeed, she’s resorted to trying to win over voters from the other side of the aisle in a desperate attempt to defeat Trump.
That’s why Harris has been trying to garner the support of disaffected female supporters of Nikki Haley, the Republican who ran against Trump months ago. Many of these conservative women despise Trump and are supporters of moderate abortion policies.
Knowing this, Harris thought that these votes might be up for grabs. Unfortunately for her, however, Nikki Haley just issued a strong endorsement of Trump. She used this to specifically explain to women who may not like the former president why they should still vote for him.
From Fox News:
“I don’t agree with Mr. Trump 100% of the time,” Haley conceded. “But I do agree with him most of the time, and I disagree with Ms. Harris nearly all the time. That makes this an easy call.”“Our southern border is our most pressing security threat; Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris have made it dramatically worse,” the Republican wrote. “Their debacle in Afghanistan not only created a new terrorist state; it also signaled weakness that sparked Russia’s war against Ukraine.
“Their appeasement of Iran has enriched that despotic regime and emboldened it to pursue war with Israel through its terrorist proxies.”
Haley Doubles Down
Haley went on to say that while a second Trump presidency “wouldn’t be perfect,” it would help America in a big way. The benefits to another Trump term include tax cuts and America having a better standing on the world stage.
“These are enormous policy differences that will affect the lives of every American and much of the world,” Haley wrote. “Will Mr. Trump do some things I don’t like in a second term? I’m sure he will. If that was the question before voters, then I imagine Mr. Trump would lose.”
“But that isn’t the question in any election,” she continued. “No politician gets everything right. For those of us clear-eyed enough to see Mr. Trump’s flaws and honest enough to acknowledge them, the question is whether we’re better off with his policies or his opponent’s.”
This endorsement may just have a massive impact on the results of this election. Indeed, many of us have conservative women in our lives who have qualms about voting for Trump. After nearly a decade of the mainstream media constantly portraying Trump as someone who is a monster to females, these women have been left feeling guilty about voting for him.
Haley essentially telling her supporters that “while Trump may have his flaws, he’ll do more good for America than Harris will” is exactly what these women need to hear right now.
The bottom line is that any negatives about Trump will be far outweighed by the damage an incompetent, radical liberal like Harris would do to this country if she wins this election. Any conservative woman who votes for Harris over Trump will undoubtedly regret it almost immediately after the woke Democrat takes office.
Sorry, Kamala, but it seems that you won’t be getting the votes of Nikki Haley supporters after all!
Key Takeaways:
- Harris has been trying to win over Nikki Haley voters.
- Haley has issued a stirring endorsement for Trump.
- Haley wrote that Trump winning “would help America in a big way.”
Sources: Fox News, The Wall Street Journal