Trump’s Latest Report Card Just Came in – Here’s Where Donald Stands in New Bombshell Report
By Mick Farthing|September 4, 2023
Trump’s Latest Report Card Just Came in – Here’s Where Donald Stands in New Bombshell Report

What’s Happening:

Democrats have pulled out all the stops to undermine Trump’s 2024 campaign. Few people actually believe all these indictments have anything to do with the actual charges. Instead, these appear to be attempts to protect failing Joe Biden, who suffers from numerous setbacks to his 2024 re-election.

But Democrats hit new lows with the Georgia indictment. An upstart liberal went after Trump and numerous colleagues. She booked him, took a mugshot, and released to the public. I doubt there is anyone left who doesn’t think this is politically motivated. But are leftists getting what they want? Here’s the latest GOP poll.

From The Post Millennial:

A new Wall Street Journal poll released on Friday showed that former President Donald Trump gained support in the Republican presidential primary, with 59 percent of GOP voters listing him as their first choice. This is an 11 percent increase from the same poll in April…

The poll showed GOP primary voters had a 75 percent favorable view of the former president with 60 percent having a very favorable view of him.

Whoa. Unless something totally unexpected happens, Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate for president. According to the latest Wall Street Journal poll, Trump’s support among Republicans has increased since their last poll in April.

Since April, Democrats have hit Trump with one indictment after another. The liberal machine has ramped up like never before to shut down Trump’s chance at returning to the White House. Yet that hasn’t deterred Republicans from backing the former president.

In fact, Trump’s favorability among Republican voters is only increasing. A staggering 59% list him as their first choice. An incredible 75% have a favorable view of him and 60% have a very favorable view of him.

Any RINOs and NeverTrumpers left in the party better be paying attention. To oppose Trump in the upcoming election will be suicide. Pundits claimed Trump was to blame for Republicans’ lackluster performance in 2022. That doesn’t at all seem to be the case.

In fact, it might have been a lack of Trump in the 2022 midterms that prevented the red wave. If voters are this in favor of Trump, after four indictments, then he will be critical in the GOP’s success in the next election.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trump’s support has increased since the mugshot was released.
  • According to a new report, 59% of Republicans want him nominated.
  • Seventy-five percent have a favorable view of him, and 60% have a very favorable view.

Source: The Post Millennial

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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