Trump Leaves Audience Laughing with Hilarious Tiny Prop – Donald Uses It to Humiliate Biden
Trump Leaves Audience Laughing with Hilarious Tiny Prop – Donald Uses It to Humiliate Biden

Critics have frequently pointed out Biden’s failures while in office. Joe promised to “build back better” in 2020. But today, most Americans believe we are worse off than we were four years ago. Biden is responsible for a massive illegal immigration crisis, rampant crime, and two wars overseas.

And Donald Trump is not going to let voters forget it.

During a recent speech, he highlighted Biden’s biggest failure. Thanks to Joe, millions of Americans are suffering. While the media has tried to blame other factors, most know Biden’s decisions brought us here. And Trump had a brilliant visual to prove it.

From Washington Examiner:
Former President Donald Trump hit President Joe Biden‘s economic policy failures by explaining inflation seen under the Biden administration with a miniature Tit-Tac container…

“Inflation, this is what it does to you. This is Tic-Tacs now,” Trump said, holding the prop and receiving laughter from the crowd. “That’s what inflation has done. I’m glad everybody in this room has good eyes. But I will end the Biden inflation nightmare.”

Biden has even admitted to the phenomenon to which Trump was referring, calling it “shrinkflation,” where companies are selling smaller-sized products for the same price as their normal ones in a better economic climate. However, the Biden team has attempted to divert blame for the practice to corporations for their consumer practices.

While speaking at an event, Trump hammered Biden over inflation. He pulled out a tiny Tic-Tac container to illustrate how bad things are getting. Thanks to runaway inflation, the cost of everything is going up. Not only have companies raised prices on basic necessities, but they are making products smaller to save money.

Biden blamed companies and their “greed.” In reality, Biden’s reckless spending, open border, and war on American energy have caused this problem. Biden has forced the price of goods to skyrocket. Some companies had no choice but to raise prices or offer less.

This problem is reaching far and wide, not just with breath mints. And while Democrats might brush this off, Americans are not. Regular families are forced to spend more for less. They won’t soon forget whose fault this is.

As I see it, Trump’s ability to connect with everyday Americans on issues like inflation shows his understanding of what people are really facing. While Biden blames companies, it’s clear his policies are driving these problems.

What do you think? Are Biden’s policies to blame for this economic mess, or is there more to the story? Discuss below!

Key Takeaways:

  • Donald Trump used a Tic-Tac container to symbolize inflation under President Joe Biden’s administration.
  • Under Joe, Americans suffer “shrinkflation,” where companies sell smaller products at the same price.
  • Trump criticized Biden for inflation and blamed it on his reckless spending, border policies, and war on fossil fuels.

Source: Washington Examiner

June 24, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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