Trump Scores Big Win Against Biden – 1 Fact Proves Biden Wrong, And Quickly Goes Viral
Trump Scores Big Win Against Biden – 1 Fact Proves Biden Wrong, And Quickly Goes Viral

Joe Biden has gone all in when it comes to bragging about how he believes his policies have been a great help to Americans. His failed “Bidenomics” proved him wrong, but he keeps taking credit for anything his handlers can spin in his favor about the economy.

No matter how much glitter Biden spreads about his so-called help for Americans, people at all economic and social levels are suffering across the country. Biden on his best day of mumbling can’t paint the rosy picture he wants every voter to believe.

Underneath the glossy outer layer of Biden’s propaganda lies the truth about how Americans are losing financially under this administration. A new report showed just how bad it is for American households trying to stay afloat under Biden’s watch.

From The Daily Wire:
A pair of graphs comparing household wealth under former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden are going viral on social media this weekend, particularly for showing how inflation creates a significant disparity between them.

The Wall Street Journal published the illustrations last week in a report that examined household net worth—with the metric measuring stocks, bonds, cash, and property minus debts—during Trump’s first three years in office and Biden’s first three years in office.

When those figures were adjusted for inflation, The Wall Street Journal reported that net worth rose 16% during Trump’s first three years in office and 0.7% during Biden’s first three years.

Those are crushing numbers under Biden’s administration which has overseen record inflation spawned by massive government cash giveaways over the years. The shocking graphs were revealed on X by OutKick founder Clay Travis.

“This is the difference between the Trump and Biden presidencies — inflation has destroyed everything, we all have less than we did before Biden entered office,” said Travis.

It wasn’t just conservatives calling out Biden for his policies that hurt Americans. Liberal media outlet CNN cut loose on the president’s problems.

“As Biden camp gropes for answers, this is all you need to know … about the president’s struggles with every demographic,” said Scott Jennings, a CNN political commentator.

A few simple words from journalist and podcast host Saagar Enjeti summed up Biden’s failure.

“My goodness,” Enjeti reacted to the household data.

Federal economic indicators showed that the rate of inflation slowed from the peak of 9.1% in June 2022 (an historic high under Biden) to a rise of 3.4% for consumer prices in April when compared to the costs of goods and services at the same time last year.

The economy is one issue where Biden continues to lose ground against Trump. People listen to Biden yelling about how good things are in the economy, and then they look at their grocery bill and realize the truth is in how much things really cost at the checkout counter.

A Gallup poll conducted last month revealed that Americans – 41% – called out inflation or the high cost of living as the most important financial problem facing their families. This is the highest figure to date in Gallup’s annual Economy and Personal Finance poll.

“Team Trump” took a look at the Wall Street Journal graphs and then took a swipe at Biden on X.

“BETTER OFF WITH TRUMP,” was the response that summed it all up for Americans.

Key Takeaways:

  • Graphs showed how Trump dominates Biden after household are hit with high inflation.
  • Even CNN said that Biden “struggles with every demographic” when inflation is factored.
  • “Team Trump” made it clear on social media that Americans are “BETTER OFF WITH TRUMP.”

Source: The Daily Wire

May 21, 2024
Sean Kerrvin
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
Sean is a former mainstream media journalist who walked away from the leftist machine. He now works to deliver news and insights to benefit Americans who want truth and liberty to prevail under the Constitution.
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