Leaked Video Evidence Erupts in Swing State – Non-Citizens Admit They’re Registered to Vote
By Mick Farthing|September 27, 2024
Leaked Video Evidence Erupts in Swing State – Non-Citizens Admit They’re Registered to Vote

America’s elections are under siege, not from foreign hackers sitting behind computer screens but from the alarming number of non-citizens and illegal aliens who are increasingly registering to vote in our elections.

This isn’t some far-off conspiracy—it’s happening right here, in real-time. When people who aren’t even American citizens cast ballots, it undermines the very core of our democratic system. The sanctity of our elections is at risk, and this is an issue we cannot afford to ignore any longer.

Every illegal vote dilutes the voice of lawful citizens. It’s a betrayal of the principles that built this country. The fact that non-citizens can so easily find their way onto voter rolls is a frightening glimpse into how fragile our electoral system has become.

And yet, some on the left mock these concerns, brushing them off as myths or partisan fearmongering. But the evidence is piling up, and it’s time to confront this threat head-on before our elections lose their legitimacy altogether.

From Daily Wire:
Several self-proclaimed non-citizens in the key battleground state of Arizona said that they are registered to vote in the November presidential election, with many saying that they support Vice President Kamala Harris over former President Donald Trump.

Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in Arizona

Recent revelations have shed light on a disturbing development in the critical battleground state of Arizona. In a shocking video obtained by the Heritage Oversight Project, six self-proclaimed non-citizens admitted they were registered to vote in the upcoming presidential election.

The video shows individuals in Phoenix, Arizona, openly acknowledging that they had registered, despite not being American citizens. And even more alarming? Many of them voiced support for Kamala Harris over Donald Trump.

One woman, recorded at an apartment complex, admitted she wasn’t an American citizen but was already registered to vote. Another man, who revealed he was from Cuba and waiting on his residency, said he marked “yes” on a form so he could vote.

These admissions weren’t coming from secretive, backroom conversations; they were freely given to an undercover journalist. How did we reach the point where non-citizens feel confident enough to boast about illegally participating in our democratic process?

Widespread Voter Registration Issues

The problem is widespread and deeply concerning. These non-citizens said they registered to vote in places like their workplace, supermarkets, and even through canvassers at their apartment complexes. One resident noted that the apartment complex they live in primarily houses foreign nationals and said, “There’s not a single citizen here.”

Yet, some of these individuals are preparing to cast ballots in one of the most important elections in recent memory. Arizona was won by a mere 11,000 votes in 2020, and with razor-thin margins like that, even a handful of illegal votes could determine the outcome of the state’s 11 electoral votes.

Adding to the concern, some non-citizens expressed support for Vice President Kamala Harris, with one even saying, “Trump says he’ll start deporting people on the first day,” before adding that they preferred Harris because she “is with the community.”

This video provides a concrete example of why the integrity of our elections is in jeopardy, and yet, those on the left continue to dismiss these concerns as nothing more than “the big lie of 2024.”

Legal Action and the Fight for Election Integrity

Conservatives have long sounded the alarm about the potential for illegal votes to swing elections. Mike Howell, Executive Director of the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project, said it best: “The left has decided that the only way they can maintain power is through illegal votes.”

It’s a sobering thought, but the evidence continues to mount. Just recently, America First Legal filed a lawsuit against all 15 counties in Arizona, alleging that they refused to remove illegal aliens from their voter rolls.

And Arizona isn’t alone. Both Virginia and Texas have taken steps to remove non-citizens from their voter rolls, acknowledging the severity of the issue. But with leftwing organizations funded by Democratic mega-donor George Soros working to naturalize non-citizens and mobilize them as voters, the problem is far from solved.

A Daily Wire investigation revealed that these groups are actively tracking demographics in key swing states, hoping that immigration could “sway the outcome of national, state, and local elections.”

Border Crisis and Its Impact on Elections

Meanwhile, the Biden-Harris administration continues to preside over the worst border crisis in American history. More than 10 million people have crossed the border under their watch, with over 1.7 million illegal immigrants slipping into the country undetected since Biden took office.

For comparison, just 415,000 gotaways were reported during the entire Trump administration. These staggering numbers raise a crucial question: how many of these undocumented individuals are finding their way onto voter rolls?

The connection between mass illegal immigration and election interference is becoming impossible to ignore. As the administration allows more and more people into the country without proper vetting, the risk of illegal voting grows.

It’s a systemic problem that’s not only undermining our borders but also our ballot boxes.

A Call for Action

The American people deserve free, fair, and secure elections. It’s time to stop pretending that non-citizen voting is a myth and start addressing it with the seriousness it demands. Illegal votes are a threat to democracy, and with battleground states like Arizona hanging in the balance, we must act now.

The left may scoff, but real Americans know the truth: election interference, in any form, cannot be tolerated. It’s time to demand action from our leaders, enforce strict voter registration laws, and protect the integrity of our elections before it’s too late. America’s future depends on it.

Key Takeaways:

  • Non-citizens in Arizona have admitted to registering to vote, despite not being American citizens.
  • Some of these illegal voters are supporting Kamala Harris over Donald Trump in the upcoming election.
  • Conservative groups are raising alarms about illegal votes influencing election outcomes, especially in key battleground states like Arizona.

Source: Daily Wire

Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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