Whistleblowers Rock Top Biden Official – What This D.C. Leader Did Could Be Highly Illegal
Whistleblowers Rock Top Biden Official – What This D.C. Leader Did Could Be Highly Illegal

John Kerry currently serves as President Biden’s “environmental czar.” In this capacity, he flies around the world in a private jet to give talks about how important it is to “save” the earth. Lawmakers have grilled Kerry over his questionable actions, including flying on a plane that critics say dumps more carbon into the air than hundreds of cars combined.

Before he served in this role, he was President Obama’s second Secretary of State. His time in that office has been marred by controversy, particularly his interactions with rogue nation Iran.

But now, another scandal is erupting, thanks to whistleblowers. It is possible that Kerry followed in the footsteps of Hillary Clinton, because he might’ve been trying to hide his activity as Secretary of State through an alias email address. Now, Republican lawmakers are steaming mad.

From Fox News:
Former Secretary of State John Kerry used a pseudonymous government email address while serving as the nation’s top diplomat during the Obama administration…

Whistleblowers told Grassley and Johnson that Kerry used the email address “[email protected]” while serving in his official capacity.

The senators noted that they have been raising concerns about the State Department’s compliance — or non-compliance — with federal records laws since 2015, during the investigations into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s improper use of a non-government server for government business.

Whistleblowers have revealed that while Secretary of State, John Kerry used an alias email for some communications. Instead of using his official email address, he was using “[email protected]” in his official capacity. This has worried some lawmakers because Kerry might have attempted to avoid FOIA laws.

This cuts close to home because some say Hillary Clinton ran roughshod over federal communication laws. She allegedly ignored security protocols, and she set up a private email server to conduct official State Department business, which triggered an infamous FBI investigation. Many believe she did this to hide her “pay-for-play” schemes.

Could Kerry have been doing the same? He might have set up this email to keep certain communications away from the public. When FOIA requests were made for official documents, anything from this email would not have been shown. After all, nobody knew about it.

Could this been how Kerry colluded with Iran—to undermine America’s efforts to hold the rogue regime in check? This could be a very serious scandal to fall into the Biden administration’s lap.

Key Takeaways:

  • Whistleblowers accused John Kerry of using a secret email to conduct State Department business.
  • Republicans are concerned that Kerry violated federal record laws by using this email.
  • Kerry might have been trying to hide records from FOIA requests by using an email other than his official one.

Source: Fox News

June 18, 2024
Mick Farthing
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
Mick is a freelance writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer. He is a regular contributor for the Patriot Journal.
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