New White House Leaks Devastate Biden – 3 Bombshells Could End His Presidency in Days
New White House Leaks Devastate Biden – 3 Bombshells Could End His Presidency in Days

The White House is swirling with controversy after Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance last week against Donald Trump. The performance has left the country in shock and Democrats scrambling for answers. Biden’s team has tried to control the damage, but leaks from within the White House have only fueled speculation about his ability to continue leading.

Trivia Question: What does the 25th Amendment of the Constitution address? Answer at the end of the article.

Reports have surfaced that suggest Biden’s condition is worse than previously thought. Many are now questioning if he can complete his term, let alone run for re-election. This has led to growing chatter about potentially invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office or replacing him on the 2024 ticket.

Biden’s Struggles in the Spotlight

Biden’s disastrous debate against Donald Trump last week is sending shockwaves through the country. Biden’s team tried to quiet concerns, but leaks from the White House have gotten out of control. All this has led to speculation that Biden will either be replaced on the 2024 ticket or even removed from the Presidency through the 25th Amendment.

Biden’s preparation for the debate has been under scrutiny. New information reveals that he may not have been as prepared as his team let on. According to multiple sources, Hunter Biden has been unusually present in White House meetings, adding another layer of controversy.

Hunter Biden’s Unusual Presence

From NBC News:
Hunter Biden has joined meetings with President Joe Biden and his top aides since his father returned to the White House from Camp David, Maryland, on Monday evening, according to four people familiar with the matter.

The president’s son has also been talking to senior White House staff members, these people said.

While he is regularly at the White House residence and events, it is unusual for Hunter Biden to be in and around meetings his father is having with his team, these people said. They said the president’s aides were struck by his presence during their discussions.

Hunter Biden’s involvement raises eyebrows, especially given his controversial background and ongoing investigations. Why is Hunter so involved in these high-level discussions? Is this the kind of “help” Biden needs right now? These questions remain unanswered but are fueling the growing speculation.

President’s Own Doubts Surface

From The New York Times/Yahoo!:
President Joe Biden has told a key ally that he knows he may not be able to salvage his candidacy if he cannot convince the public in the coming days that he is up for the job after a disastrous debate performance last week…

The conversation is the first indication to become public that the president is seriously considering whether he can recover after a devastating performance on the debate stage in Atlanta on June 27.

This admission from Biden himself is telling. Even he knows that his grip on the presidency is slipping. The pressure is mounting, and it’s clear that even Biden’s closest allies are worried. And Kamala Harris is waiting in the wings.

A President in Decline

Then reports surfaced of how bad the situation really is for Joe. His mental and physical condition did not crop up the night of the debate. They have clearly known it and tried to manage it for weeks (if not month or years).

From Mediaite:
“Mr. Biden was drained enough from the back-to-back trips to Europe that his team cut his planned debate preparation by two days so he could rest at his house in Rehoboth Beach, Del., before joining advisers at Camp David for rehearsals,” the Times reported. “The preparations, which took place over six days, never started before 11 a.m. and Mr. Biden was given time for an afternoon nap each day, according to a person familiar with the process.”

This isn’t a schedule befitting a commander-in-chief. Needing naps and starting late? This just highlights the concerns many have about Biden’s fitness for office. The debate preparation was clearly insufficient, and it showed on stage.

The Threat to Democracy

From The Hill:
The day after the debate, Biden said that “Donald Trump will destroy our democracy. I will defend it.” But the debate made it abundantly clear that, for different reasons, Biden is also a threat to our democracy.

If Democrats want to convince us that they are the defenders of American democratic institutions, they will need to recognize the importance of what we all witnessed at that debate for longer than a moment.

Biden’s attempt to deflect criticism onto Trump isn’t fooling anyone. His performance and the subsequent revelations about his condition have only reinforced the idea that he might not be capable of leading the nation effectively.

This entire scenario is a disaster waiting to happen, and the American people are the ones who will suffer the consequences. If Biden can’t handle the pressures of a debate, how can we trust him to handle the pressures of leading the free world? The lack of transparency and honesty from the Biden administration is infuriating. We deserve better from our leaders.

It’s time for Democrats to wake up and face the reality of Biden’s condition. They can’t keep propping him up and pretending everything is fine. The stakes are too high, and the American people won’t stand for it. We need a leader who is strong, capable, and transparent.

And right now, it’s clear that Biden is none of those things. He doesn’t need to just be off the ticket. He needs to be out of the White House, immediately. The Democrats and the media have lied to us for long enough.

How do you think this historic, unprecedented situation will play out?

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s disastrous debate performance has raised serious concerns about his ability to lead.
  • Hunter Biden’s unusual involvement in White House meetings is fueling speculation.
  • Biden himself admitted to an ally that he might not be able to salvage his candidacy.

Source: NBC News, The New York Times/Yahoo!, Mediaite, The Hill

Trivia Answer: The 25th Amendment of the Constitution addresses presidential succession and the procedure for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death, removal, resignation, or incapacitation.

July 3, 2024
Jon Brenner
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
Patriot Journal's Managing Editor has followed politics since he was a kid, with Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush as his role models. He hopes to see America return to limited government and the founding principles that made it the greatest nation in history.
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